Monday 27 January 2014


What is not to love about jam ?
It must be good for you as it is full of fruit - yes, I am choosing to ignore the fact that it is also FULL of sugar.
But it tastes SOOOO good.

Today for the first time ever, I made jam.
Thank you Women's Weekly 1984 (page 227).
Sitting on my bench I now have super sticky, delicious strawberry jam.
I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself despite the fact that it is only 3/4 of a small jar.

I'm also quietly hoping I don't poison anybody.
I'm pretty sure I got the whole sterilisation thingy right.
Maybe we'll just eat it quickly ….

Have you dusted off a cookbook yet?

1 comment:

  1. Love making jam. Have you discovered the "Jam setting sugar" at the supermarket? It has all the pectin-ish stuff already mixed in so all you have to do is add fruit to the sugar and you're DONE!! Yum!!!


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