Hello and welcome!
I'm Jenny and this is where Ohjoh lives.
As a child I loved being at my grandmother’s house – most things were handmade, nothing was wasted and everything was practical. A handmade apron was always worn, a tablecloth was always thrown on the table before a meal and a cup of tea was usually close at hand.
A few years ago my mum gave me a bag of magazines and patterns that belonged to my grandmother. Inside were magazines dating back to 1963! I was hooked.
Ohjoh is my way of bringing some of that back into the modern home - a hint of the past with some style from the present.
It is a teeny tiny, small business where I make retro style aprons and kitchen bits from my very large stash of fabulous fabric (ssshh don't tell the Mr about the size of the fabric stash, he doesn't need to know).
When I'm not sewing I am chasing our 3 very busy, noisy children and an old, sleepy dog - which takes up most of my time!
Here at the Ohjoh blog you will find some crafty bits, some quilty bits, some foodie bits and maybe some of our crazy life bits too.
The kettle will be on, the teapot will be brewing and the cake will be waiting.
Hope you can join me.
Oh gosh Jenny you sound just like me. Three kids and one old dog!! Life was so much simpler in our grandparents days wasn't it. I yearn to bring a little bit of that into my life now.