It's finished!
The red quilt (that was supposed to be green) is now finished.

It was based on
Louise's lovely pattern. However, as I have issues with following instructions I had to modify it (after a little mummy tantrum).
I cut out the big squares on the floor in front of the tele (silly, I know) and cut them out the wrong size. Had said tantrum then hurt my brain trying to work out how to make the outside bits fit.

I think it works. As I'm still on the quilting planet of "make it up as you go along", it's a bit on the wonky side. But hey, wonk is good - right ?!?!?

It's now thrown on the couch when not being dragged around the house by the "Quilt Ninja"

The next quilt is cut and ready to go.
A cot quilt for the amazing
Corrie to be sent to Queensland flood victims. I hope it looks OK when finished and makes someone smile!!
If you would like to be involved too check out
Corrie's blog Retromummy.

I would put her lovely little icon thingy on my blog but couldn't follow the blogger instructions on that either. I wonder if there is a support group for those who can read, take in and then forget/ignore/stuff-up instructions ......