Unfortunately that hasn't worked - hmmm, does it ever ?
So off to the (fabulous) physio I went.
Apparently it all comes down to POSTURE and mine is (no surprises here) shocking.
Guess what sort of things are bad for posture or usually linked to bad posture?
- Sewing
- Knitting
- General crafty stuff
To be honest I think it is the sticks that have brought me unstuck.
I would like to be the really relaxed knitter that watches the world go past and not her fingers.
In reality I am hunched over the sticks watching every clumsy little stitch, scrunching those shoulders high up near my ears as I probably chew my lip in concentration.
The plan here is:
- to give the sticks a rest
- sew and craft in short bursts
- walk lots
- swim a bit
- and imagine I'm a slouchy teenager back in high school with my Mum and Dad constantly saying stand up straight - but this time listening to them!
Posture, posture, posture ladies! That is the word of the week.
What do you do to keep you crafting/sewing?