Ok, this has nothing to do with Ohjoh stuff, crafty stuff or quilty stuff but my youngest makes me smile (when I'm not pulling my hair out and reaching for the cooking chocolate!- a daytime wine substitute)
Today we're off to her first real ballet lesson (following big sister who is obsessed with it).
Today she's excited! Dressed and ready hours in advance, giving me instructions on which family members should receive emailed photo's of her as "a ballet" (not a ballerina because she just wants to be "a ballet" - apparently).
She's ballet skipping up the hallway which is an improvement on her trial class last week which involved lots of hiding, crying and Mum dancing with the pre-school kids in the class (very disturbing for all as "grace and poise" are NOT generally words used to describe me!) until she warmed to the idea for the last 20 minutes).
I'll do some stretches shortly before we go just in case I have to try and do 1st position again!
ooooh lovely little ballerina legs! hope your little lady enjoys it today. have a wonderful weekend Jenny.