The big order for 50 aprons is all sewn up and ready to be delivered on Monday (yes, it's a school holiday adventure) to the wonderful Kate at Cobbloaf Cafe in Camperdown, VIC.
If you're down that way pop in for coffee & cake (and check out the staff in their new aprons and their new shop reno).

Now that they are done, I ....
- have a new appreciation for how big the number 50 really is (I really underestimated this!)
- now know that making, by hand, 50 of the same thing is mind numbing
- still have an amazing ability to procrastinate - hence the mad panic at the end
- know that my 3 year old is excellent at "helping" with pins
- have forgotten what the park looks like
- have let my 3 year old watch too many dvd's over the last couple of weeks so that I could finish the little monsters
- need to find the laundry .... it's in there somewhere
- have a very patient and wonderful family that have tripped over the sewing machine, ironing board and metres of drying fabric that have taken over our kitchen/living area - thanks guys, I love you!
- have discovered the world of joy that is a rotary cutter. How did I not know about these ?
- am grateful to Kate for ordering them!
- am happy to have my life back and the sweat shop closed.
Being a very good business woman (insert tongue in cheek here...) I could invest my earnings back into my little business .......... or I could buy a real, grown-up mixmaster that I've been saving for - for years! (and let the struggling 15yr old, hand held kenwood retire with dignity).
Decisions, decisions .... mixmaster in cherry red or pistachio green ? .....
Hope you all have a lovely weekend and great school holidays!