Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Retail Therapy

Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Holiday Monsters

Rumage through the fabric scrap stash & pick what you want.
Cut them as you want and sew them together (yes, I let them loose on the Janome. They were VERY excited!)
Add your monster face and trace out your monster shape on the back. Sew it to your chosen backing fabric (with a bit of help)

Hope your holidays are great.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
A bit of colour

Friday, 15 April 2011
Looking on the bright side
Yep, it's a cushion!
This is a "positivity cushion" because sometimes we all need to be reminded to look on the bright side of life. Can you get more positive than a "plus sign"?!?
The little person that this is for initially told me the fabric (after helping to select it) was "crap" (yep .. charming...) but now having seen the finished cushion has said "man, that's awesome!". I think that's positive.
And I get to finish with the most wonderfully positive news ever, this morning at 6.15am my sister's little baby boy joined the world! (That's a beautiful story that I'll share another time)
Hope you all have a wonderfully positive day - we will, we're off to meet and cuddle a new born!
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Today ...

Tuesday, 12 April 2011
On Sunday I ....
- hurt my brain (I don't use it often)
- discovered that I may need glasses
- started a two day intensive pattern making course at CAE in Melb
- made a skirt block (and learnt what a skirt block was ! - the base for your skirt patterns that is sized just for you -I didn't know that)
- drafted a couple of different patterns from the block.
- started a block for a pair of pants
- learnt heaps
- realised that I still know very little (and suspect that my sewing skills may not be up to scratch)
- Loved it
- Had fun giggling with a girlfriend who had this wonderful idea in the first place
- Get to do it all again next Sunday!
- we're still in our PJ's at 10am (shocking, I know!). I love school holidays!
(just as I typed that my 3 little cherubs erupted into a slapping, screaming arguement over something trivial. I think I just changed my mind!)
Hope you're all enjoying yours.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Call them what you want. Girls, do you know yours?
Have had an anxious week or two after finding a lump in mine. I was lucky as the ultrasound, mammogram and needle biopsy showed it was benign. Phew!
BUT I found it by accident as I don't check every month. I will now.
So girlie friends go and cop a feel, check them out and get to know them well. Need some tips ? try here.
And for a friend who started chemo today - goodluck, positive vibes and lots of love to you and your tribe!
Have a lovely weekend ladies! Jenny(I hope this prompts you and your girly friends to have a check!)
PS no pics today - I didn't think a full frontal shot would be good for any of us! Instead go and have a look at yours in the mirror!