Aahh our bed. It's served us well over the many years that we've dragged it around Melbourne. It's had kids sleep, hide, jump and puke in it. It's been broken and repaired.
It's nearly time to move on.
I found THE replacement in a magazine of ridiculously expensive furniture (why was I looking at that ???). Unfortunately it was "only" a couple of thousand dollars out of our budget.
So, one trip to Spotlight and some discounted funishing fabric later, we have a compromise!

It looks like a new bed! (Unfortunately it doesn't feel like a new bed but hopefully it can hang together for a bit longer ...) No before photo - sorry, I'm not that organised - just imagine a late 90's baltic pine type thingy with an orange tinge. I think this is a better look.
PS I'm still loving that coushion from Louise. How beautiful is it!