Saturday 27 October 2012

The word of the week is .... POSTURE

I've had a niggly neck (stiff and sore) for a couple of weeks and have been employing the clinically researched approach of "do nothing and hope it will get better".
Unfortunately that hasn't worked - hmmm, does it ever ?
So off to the (fabulous) physio I went.  
Apparently it all comes down to POSTURE and mine is (no surprises here) shocking.

Guess what sort of things are bad for posture or usually linked to bad posture?
  • Sewing
  • Knitting
  • General crafty stuff

To be honest I think it is the sticks that have brought me unstuck.  
I would like to be the really relaxed knitter that watches the world go past and not her fingers.  
In reality I am hunched over the sticks watching every clumsy little stitch, scrunching those shoulders high up near my ears as I probably chew my lip in concentration.

The plan here is:
  • to give the sticks a rest
  • sew and craft in short bursts
  • walk lots
  • swim a bit
  • and imagine I'm a slouchy teenager back in high school with my Mum and Dad constantly saying stand up straight - but this time listening to them!
Shoulders down, chin in, tummy in (if only...) and up straight.  Sounds comfortable doesn't it.

Posture, posture, posture ladies!  That is the word of the week.

What do you do to keep you crafting/sewing?

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. I work occasional at an osteo clinic. Machine quilting is very bad for your back and shoulders too. Its funny because all the ladies try and blame something else but the osteopath stick to their line that to do it in small bursts. Hope you are feeling better soon.


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